Saturday 1 December 2012

Quick night update and a question

I never imagined I'd be looking for ways to wear my clothes using Google Images for ideas. That fake leather vest I bought last year is harder to style than I thought. So far I'm considering investing in a pair of burgundy leggings. Maybe a black one as well, just to be on the safe side.

I'm not quite sure what to write today. Been out most of the time so by the time I got to my dearest laptop, it was already quite late (where I am, it's night time and past dinner). Sorry if anyone dropped by hoping for an excerpt or at least a little more life than what I'm showing tonight. Brain is just really tired and my fingers have been stabbed quite a few times while I was in the process of sewing up my plushie (which isn't even finished yet =T.T=).

Still looking through pictures to help me with my 'rock star' outfit while trying to squeeze something out to write other than an update on my boring life. Anyone up for an excerpt based on the cafe ones I did? Comments are appreciated =^.^=

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