Friday 28 December 2012

Those were the days my friend

First time in days that I've gotten a break from bicycle training. It's been awful, so much so that I actually sport a dozen (I kid you not, it's really a dozen) bruises, ranging from a fist sized one that looks like someone stomped on me with a swelling the size of a ping pong ball underneath that black patch of a bruise to bruises the size of a huge thumbprint. I have patchwork legs right now. Ugh. And a very bruised behind from where my seat jumped up when I braked and smacked me. I hate that bike. Hmmph.

Anyway, I'll be away for most of the day, being busy with some 'things'. Just a heads up, I might be having a special guest on my blog soon. You'll know when you see her =^.^= she writes better than I do, methinks.

I had an awesome day out with a few ex-schoolmates of mine today and I realized how much I've actually missed talking to them. We're so far away from each other now and the distance doesn't get any less, not even with Facebook and all the newfangled applications or networks. I never thought that the people we used to see everyday would one day become the people we only see about twice a year. That's even if we get lucky and our holidays are at the same time. All the memories of us together struggling through sucky Add Math and copying English homework (I never did this one though) are just somewhere in the distant past. How many years ago was it when we were sitting together on plastic chairs and scribbling away on the cramped, rickety plastic tables which were more often than not shared until there wasn't any elbow room left? How many years ago did I hear my friends screaming for the fried chicken to wait for them as they stampeded out the classroom door at the sound of the recess bell? I don't know. It seems like yesterday, but it's been a long time. I miss you guys. All of you. Even you annoying, hyper, super energetic, loud, chatty nutcases. I never thought I'd say this. Yeah sure, we hated each other, had bitch fights occasionally, bullied each other once in a while, were competitive as hell when it came to subject prizes, but all in all, we always managed to stick together and make everything work. Like that time when we went choral speaking together and did the YE project together even when some of us weren't actually supposed to be involved at all. Fun times. Insane times. Happy times. Good times. I miss them now.

Ah, I didn't realize I got so soppy. If anyone felt like throwing up after reading the paragraph above...hehe...sorry.

No time to write as much as before. Everything seems to be snowballing. It's going to be an avalanche if I'm not careful. No time to even be sentimental much these days. I apologize beforehand if my posts get rather erratic. Thank you for reading =^.^=

P.S. Please do comment if you happen to like what you read. It gets a little lonely when I write and write and write and write but nobody says a word =U.U=


  1. u think she writes better than u? time for your meds
