Friday 25 January 2013

Earth Heart - Part 4

Earth Heart
Minutes later I found myself clinging to his warm angular hand as we descended into the fog. He was an expert explorer while all I knew was how to race a cybertrack. He guided us past unusual looking plant life, if they could even be called plants, their branches reaching to the oddly coloured sky while dripping with moisture. I daren’t even track on my own, let alone let go of his hand while zooming through the Wilderness. Moisture clung to my feedskin, making me glow with a funny looking blue light. His was a brilliant orange, like the artificial sunsets back at the city. It seemed like ages before we finally slowed to a stop beneath the canopy of weird Wilderness-life. The ground was soft and springy beneath my feet. I cautiously untangled myself from him and took a tentative step forward. Blue green branches reached for the sun, starved looking as they were, the scene was still majestic, reminiscent of the forests that were destroyed. “Beautiful isn’t it?” Leo whispered. I looked up at him, his eyes were lost in memories like mine. He noticed me watching and gave a small laugh. “Come. I have something better to show you.” We stepped deeper beneath the cover of the trees and I almost bumped into his back as he stopped suddenly. Just as I was about to open my mouth to protest, he took my hand and placed a very small something on my palm. A tiny royal purple flower, a true flower, rested in my hand, its heart a deep blood red fading into black at the centre. I hardly dared to breathe in case I blew it away by accident. I gazed into his eyes wonderingly, feeling the texture of the petals between my fingers. “Where’d you find this?” I queried. He shrugged, making his feedskin ripple. His hands were brown and angular where mine were pale and slim in comparison. He touched the flower gently and a smile came to his face. He pointed his chin towards a rock pile and right at the top of it, I saw the most beautiful and natural thing I had ever seen since I was shipped here as a child. A small bush, no higher than my knee, full of purple blossoms. “There is life here after all…” he merely smiled.

~Rei Shiori 

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