Tuesday 20 November 2012

Chance meeting

The wind cut into her like a thousand blades while the rain pelted her face with fat drops that hurt like hell. Even her umbrella had given up the fight, turning inside out and blowing away in the typhoon-like winds.
She struggled across the street, head and shoulders hunched against the strong gust that threatened to throw her backwards and then narrowly avoiding a car that seemingly came out of nowhere in the blinding rain. By the time she reached the other side of the road where a bus stop stood, she was exhausted and drenched in rainwater. Her hair hung limply around her face and neck, dripping more water into the collar of her coat and making her shiver every time the wind blew.
Her car had broken down that morning and she had walked to work at the boutique a few blocks away from her apartment after missing the only bus that passed that way. Her boyfriend of a year had decided that she wasn't his type and after repeated times of saying he loved her but didn't deserve her, decided to disappear her life immediately. The heater had given up the ghost and her cat had gone missing. Certainly not the best week of her life.
Tears sprang to her eyes as she thought about the hellish roller coaster ride she had been put through all week and she reached to wipe them away only to realize that they didn't show on her face since she was already drenched. She gave a weak chuckle to herself. Thank God for small blessings. At least she could cry and no one would notice.
The bus stop wasn't very crowded, only three other equally drenched people sat on the bench. One of which was staring right at her with a rather piercing blue gaze. The man sat a little way away from her, the space between them about only a foot or so away. He had dark hair that curled around his face in drying waves and after a second glance, she noticed his eyes weren't blue as she initially thought. They were a beautiful indigo. Not exactly a shade you saw every day. He noticed her staring and gave a small smile, his face lighting up with that small movement. He had dimples, she noticed vaguely as he scooted closer to her, and his hands were large and rather squarish with perfectly cut nails. "Hey." his voice said quietly next to her "Hope you don't mind that I decided to scoot over here." He was still smiling. She looked at him sideways and replied with something that sounded like "Uhmm.".
"Name's Archer, and no it's not from that anime Fate Stay Night in case you're wondering." he continued as his smile grew into a grin at her surprised look when he mentioned one of the anime series she'd been watching. "Not every day that a guy like me can talk to such a pretty lady and here I am talking about anime." he winked at her as she blushed.The wind chose that moment to send a particularly vicious sheet of rain in the direction of the bus stop and she closed her eyes against the wind as she saw the rain coming. When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see a dark blue coat shielding her from the torrent. Archer stood just in front of her, his back against the sheet of rain and his smile lighting up her day, pretty much looking like a very drenched knight in soggy armour. She just had to smile despite herself.

~Rei Shiori

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