Monday 12 November 2012

Year of Faith theme running around in my head

Break these chains,
Oh, unbelieving heart,
Make way,
For the faith wisdom imparts.
Here I am,
Trying to take a stand,
Bask in the glory of Your open hands,
For You welcomed me home again,
To the arms that Heaven sent.
So long I have been alone,
With a heart that felt like stone,
Solitary coldness,
Thought I could do it on my own,
But You touched me again,
Led me by humble prayers,
Here I am, Lord,
Fill me again,
Take away my distress,
I give it up, Lord,
Offer you my emptiness,
The days I spent wandering away from You,
The sins I've done,
Wash away all in Your holiness,
Oh, unbelieving heart depart,
No more to sin or roam,
The Lord has called me to his side,
In His light I find warmth,
With my God and faith at my side,
Never again will I be alone,
Never again without a home.

~Rei Shiori
(for Musica. See? This is how I normally write when it comes to such things.)


  1. :)) can you please email or Skype it to me? Thanks! ILOVEYOU

    1. You want this one? okie then. When you come online tell me :)
