Monday 19 November 2012

Silence is golden

I have no idea why I'm suddenly not able to listen to music as much as I used to. After a while, it just irritates me no matter what song is playing. I feel better when I'm in a silent room.
Funny isn't it? How things can change so much within he span of a few months, it still surprises me. Especially since I usually pride myself on being rather consistent and having a personality that hardly evolves. It used to be 'no music, no life'. Now it's 'thank God for the peace and quiet'. Even I don't understand why.
Singing along to the songs makes my jaw ache too T.T sad to say I can't sing as much as I used to when I'm in the car (I think my parents would be grateful for that because they can finally hear the music and not just me singing along).
I miss singing. I get very self conscious when I'm singing so I hardly do it anymore. Wondering if I should get back to sing or not to sing, that is the question. 

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