Wednesday 21 November 2012

Siren song

Beneath the waves they call to me,
Beautiful, mysterious as the ancient sea,
Timeless, ageless, forever free,
In the imaginations of those who believe,
They sing to me their siren song,
Overlapping scales iridescent as the light of morn,
Their lays that have survived mankind's dawn,
Lilting voices dripping sweet,
Misty visions of dark waters deep,
Dew hung notes linger in the air,
The stillness shimmers,
Above the place that is their lair,
I tell them I'm coming,
My voice echoes loud,
I see their white pale faces,
From the water gleaming proud,
"I'm coming." I breathe as I step into the waves,
The water's closing over my head,
Darkness around me,
My cold watery bed.

~Rei Shiori

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